Tips for Writing & Publishing a Book

I've had many people say they have always wanted to write a book but they have no idea how to get published. Here I will provide you with a few tips to help those who are interested in becoming a published author.

“Helping others is the secret sauce to a happy life.”  -Todd Stocker

One misconception people have is that they can write a book and overnight they become a celebrity author. For all those who believe this to be true, I hate to serve as the bearer of bad news but it normally doesn't happen that way. Writing the book is only half the battle.

Here are some helpful tips for those who may be interested in writing and publishing a book:

  • The first thing you need to do is write. Is your first book a novel? Poetry? Fiction? Nonfiction? Is it an autobiography? Figure out what you want to write and just write it. Try to write everyday and surround yourself with topics or people who can provide you with some inspiration or creative ideas to keep you motivated.

  • While you are completing your manuscript you should be researching guidelines for different publishers, different ways to get published (do you want traditional publishing? self publishing? print on demand?), etc. The world of traditional publishing comes with A LOT of rejection so you have to be really passionate and really persistent. Having tough skin doesn't hurt either. I would love to provide you a detailed list of this information but I spent a lot of time researching because getting published was a true desire for me. If you really want it I suggest you put in the time to do your research. The more information you have, the better off you will be.

  • Purchase a copy of Writer's Market (for poets, Poet's Market). It will provide you with information, guidelines and even addresses to publishers across America. Anyone serious about getting published should own a copy of this book.

  • Complete your manuscript and send it to publishers who are interested in the type of book you have written. When doing this please be sure to follow the publisher's instructions from A to Z. Failing to do so could land your manuscript in the trash.

  • Be patient and persistent. It could take weeks or even months for some publishers to get back to you regarding your manuscript and when they do many of them may reject your work. Don't take it personally. It doesn't always mean that what you have written isn't good, it could mean it's just not what that particular publisher is looking for at that time. Continue trying because what one person rejects another may gladly accept.

  • Never ever give up! If writing and publishing a book is a dream for you, do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. I won't lie and tell you it will be easy but I can promise you, once it's done the hard work will be well worth it.

I hope this information is helpful. Stay tuned for more information and tips on how to become a published author. Leave any questions or feedback in the comments and I'll gladly respond.

 A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. ~Richard Bach

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